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Blood Metals Test by QuickSilver Scientific
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Blood Metals Test by QuickSilver Scientific (Includes $10 shipping fee & 20 minute Test Interpretation)
Quicksilver Scientific’s Blood Metals Test screens for a broad range of toxic and nutrient metals to show elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances of nutrient metals in whole blood.
This whole blood elemental metals analysis uses state-of-the-art inductively coupled plasma/mass spectroscopy. The test measures levels for 15 metals, including beneficial nutrient metals and potentially toxic metals. Find out if your levels of the “bad guys” are within acceptable parameters and whether or not your levels need to be supplemented with the “good guys.” Imbalanced mineral pairs, especially copper to zinc ratios, can often present clinically as heavy metal toxicity. Excess copper is also synergistically toxic with heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic and lead.

Mercury Tri-Test by QuickSilver Scientific
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Mercury Tri-Test by QuickSilver Scientific (includes $10 shipping charge & 20 minuteTest Interpretation)
The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test is the only clinical test that utilizes mercury speciation analysis, a patented advanced technology that separates methyl mercury (MeHg) from inorganic mercury (HgII) and measures each directly. Quicksilver Scientific’s instruments are sensitive enough to measure ambient mercury levels in the body without the need for challenge testing. This laboratory test provides unprecedented information for the healthcare practitioner, allowing them to assess the patient’s exposure sources, body burden and ability to excrete each form of mercury. This detailed information helps build an informed picture and allows the clinician to plan a rational approach to successful detoxification strategy for the patient.