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Inflammatone™ 240 capsules
Inflammatone™ 240 capsules
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Designs For Health
Inflammatone™ 240 capsules

This powerful formula combines the best of science and enzyme technology for degrading fibrinolytic protein compounds produced during inflammation. The carefully chosen herbs have lipooxygenase (LOX) inhibition, COX 2 inhibition, only mild COX 1 inhibition (to avoid blood thinning and stomach sensitivity), as well as free radical protection.* The proteolytic enzymes not only break down inflammatory proteins including kinins and fibrin but also enhance the breakdown and removal of damaged tissue improving lymphatic drainage. Inflammatone is safe to use in high doses yet powerful enough to provide results with as little as two capsules per day. For best results, this product should be taken on an empty stomach, approximately one hour before meals or several hours after.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Trademark Information: n•zimes™ and Serrazimes® are Trademarks of National Enzyme Company.

Copyright © Dale White, Licensed Acupuncturist Sebastopol, CA