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                                             Dale White, LAc, M.S., D.N.B.A.O. 
                                                Licensed Acupuncturist and 
QuickSilver Scientific Consultant 

Please CALL 707-824-8381 or email dalewhite7078248381@gmail.com to schedule a Phone Consultation with Dale White, LAc.

HealthSpring Acupuncture, Inc.
Sebastopol, CA  95472

Holistic Health Care, Acupuncture & Detoxification
(707) 824-8381             

Use the following links to place your order or feel free to contact us at 707-824-8381 for assistance with special orders. 

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    Patient Direct Code  is:  DALEWMBCODE    Microbiome CodeDALEWMBCODE  


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About Dale's Practice:


Functional Medicine refers to a practice that centers on the patient, looking into their physiology (how their body’s systems are working) and symptoms to find the root causes of any illness present. It is patient-focused and involves a caring partnership between practitioner and patient. The practitioner typically takes more time to listen to the patient’s history, environmental conditions, and daily lives than standard medical visits. These are important influences in one’s long-term health. The practitioner also utilizes standard and non-standard lab work to get a more full understanding and basis for a personalized, rational and sequential treatment plan to optimize the patient's health and well being.

Within each of us is a source of wellbeing – our Health Spring -- and when it is flowing we experience wellness, balance and joy in our lives. The stress of daily life at work and home, heavy metal and mercury toxicity, emotional suffering and depression, illness, accident, loss, and life transitions can gradually cut us off from the health spring inside and bring us to a state of physical and psychological distress. Dale White and the HealthSpring Wellness Center in Sebastopol, located in Sonoma County, California, work with you to reopen your health spring and keep it flowing strong. With the deep experience that comes from over 25 years of practice and ongoing education in alternative and complementary treatments, Dale works with you to create a program to meet your individual needs and goals and restore your health spring.

Dale’s critical tools include:

  • Listening carefully and compassionately
  • Testing with cutting edge and time-honored modalities
  • Treating systematically with carefully chosen, gentle remedies
  • Providing the support necessary to achieve success
  • Incorporating view points from several holistic disciplines

Dale trained with Dr. Christopher Shade, QuickSilver Scientific, and offers heavy metal and mercury testing, test interpretation and protocols for Mercury and Heavy Metal detoxing. QuickSilver Scientific is a CLIA-Certified laboratory that specializes in superior lipsomal delivery systems, including mercury testing and blood metals testing for human health. Dale also trained with Master Kobayashi Shoji, who developed Shakuju-kai, one of the foremost acupuncture modalities in Japan, and offers Shakuju Therapy as a treatment modality in his practice. Shakuju Therapy is an approach founded on Oriental philosophy and based on the Qi paradigm, whereby all illness is treated as Qi deviation and stagnation.

The ultimate cause of all illness is understood to be "fundamental cold" (Hie). Treatment consists of moving Qi in the body to eradicate "fundamental cold" (Hie). The abdomen and back regions are emphasized in Shakuju Therapy. Abnormal findings in the abdomen (shaku and ju) are the primary sources of diagnostic information and treatment is performed on the back according to this diagnosis.Shakuju Therapy is highly effective in treating sensitive patients (particularly children and senior patient populations.)

Dale White, LAc. provides you with a broad, eclectic, and integrated approach to your health and wellbeing, helping you to revive your own Health Spring. Health consultation is available in person and by phone or email. 

§  Heavy Metal & Mercury Detox  

§  Life TransitionAnxiety & Stress

§  Nutritional Imbalance

§  Chronic Illness, Pain & Fatigue

§  Gastrointestinal Problems

§  Menopausal Symptoms

§  Neurologic Conditions

§  Allergies & Sensitivities

§  Infection & Inflammation

§  Hepatitis C & Lyme Disease

§  Surgery & Accident Trauma

§  Healthy Weight

§  Peak Performance & Longevity

§  Gentle Acupuncture

§  Meridian Therapy

§  Functional Medicine

§  German Biological Medicine

§  European Drainage Homeopathy

§  Whole Food Nutritional Therapy

§  Hormonal Balancing

§  Tissue Mineral Analysis

§  Targeted Amino Acid Therapy

§  Detoxification Therapy

§  Dietary & Exercise Guidance

§  Life Style Counseling

§  Oriental Herbal Medicine

§  Western Herbal Medicine

§  Maitake Concentrate

§  Homeopathics

§  Whole Food Supplements

§  Medical Food Powders

§  Orthomolecular Supplements

§  French Gemmo Therapies

§  Essential Oils

                                                                        Dale White,LAc, MS, D.N.B.A.O 
                              Holistic Health Care & Acupuncture